The WRCFC is a member-driven organization with clear codes of governance of its own operations and the working relationship with the following stakeholder groups:
Environmental/Conservation Groups
Oregon Wild
Kalmiopsis Audubon Society
Klamath Siskiyou Wild
Community nonprofit support organizations
Chambers of Commerce
South Coast Development Council
Watershed Councils/SWCDs
Sustainable Northwest
Federal and State Agencies
United States Forest Service (USFS)
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF)
Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (ODF&W)
Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD)
Redwood State & National Parks
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
US Fish & Wildlife Service
Oregon Department of Transportation
California Department of Forestry
Regional Solutions
Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD)
Curry County Commissioner
Del Norte County Supervisor
Coos County Commissioner
Economic Development Department representatives
Forest Industry
Restoration, Harvest, Fire, and Timber/Road building Contractors
Private Industrial Forestland Owners and Managers
Special forest products
Biomass interests
South Coast Lumber
Timber Products End User Businesses
Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative
Recreational Tourism/Fishing guides/water users
Commercial Fishing interests
Developers/Residential land uses
Oregon State University
Humboldt State University
Southwest Oregon Community College
University of Oregon
High Schools
If you are interested in becoming a member of the WRCFC, please familiarize yourself with our member requirements.
We ask our voting members to be familiar with our Operations Manual, which contains our operating procedures and expectations of members, sign the Declaration of Commitment, and have attended at least three meetings in the past six months.
Nonvoting members (often our federal partners) are asked to hold themselves to the same standards as voting members, but are not permitted to vote on decisions. For more information, please email kmartel@sustainablenorthwest.org