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Statement of Project Purpose:
The Wild Rivers Coast Forest Collaborative (WRCFC) is a diverse group of stakeholders who work together to create and implement a shared vision to protect and improve the resilience and well-being of watersheds, the forests they contain, and communities in and around National Forest system lands in Southwestern Oregon.
WRCFC projects are based upon three primary principles that the collaborative members have chosen as the main priorities:
  • Unique ecosystem restoration
  • Aquatic restoration including road sediment reduction and fish passage culvert replacement
  • Quality access and facilities for roads, trails, and campgrounds
Other principles that the group has deemed important in project planning are managed stands, non-native forest pathogens, hazardous fuels reduction and invasive species.
Overall Project Objectives:
WRCFC is proposing that the United States Forest Service (USFS) restore oak savannah environments in the Shasta/Agness planning area (the Shasta Costa watershed and portions of the lower Illinois River watershed) to: restore, maintain, and enhance ecological diversity; to restore watershed processes and functions and to enhance aquatic and riparian habitats; to enhance recreational opportunities, and to protect the overall forest/watershed health in this area.

Shasta Agness Field Trip Handout:

© 2020 by WRCFC

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